Explorer bag symbolised resources (2024/25)

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Explorer bag symbolised resources (2024/25)

The symbol resources can be used with pupils with Additional Support Needs and those with communication difficulties as well as children with English as an Additional Language (EAL).

The symbol resources consist of:

Gifting the 2024 Bookbug Explorer Bags!
Some handy hints and tips to prepare your gifting celebration and get everyone excited about receiving their brilliant new bag.

In addition you can request accessible digital versions of this year's Bookbug Picture Book Prize books from the Books for All website.

You can also download accessible digital versions of previous years' books from the Books For All Database, using the Bookbug Digital Bookshelf.

This years books are:

Have a look...

Book Cover Choice sheet (for all the books)

Bunnies on the Bus

I Did See a Mammoth

Mavis the Bravest