Our National Discussion

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Our National Discussion

People all over Scotland are talking about Education as part of a National Discussion. A promise has been made to listen to the views of children and young people.

Every child's 'voice' in this discussion is important and their views will be listened to carefully and used to make Scottish Education better for everybody.

Children can help by thinking about the following questions carefully and answering them in a way which works best for them, within a discussion around 'My Ideal School.'

Discussion guide to help gather gather views of young children (.pdf)

The 4 Questions

  1. What do you think children should be learning - and why?
  2. Where are the best places children can learn - and why?
  3. How (in which ways) do you think children should be learning - and why?
  4. Who do you think children learn best with - and why?

CALL Scotland has created a set of 4 symbol sheets to help learners with complex communication support needs, as well as early learners or those with English as an Additional Language (EAL) give their views on these questions, so that every voice is heard.

How can I use these symbol sheets with my learners?

There is a 'Something else' symbol on each board, which gives the learner the opportunity to communicate something not on the ideas sheet either by using their communication book, signing, drawing or writing.

Deadline for Responses

The deadline for responses is the 5th December 2022.

Views can then be uploaded through the 'Let's Talk Scottish Education' web form.

Or you can send your views via email to nationaldiscussioneducation@gov.scot.